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Veronica Misana

Veronica Misana

Research Scientist


Research Scientist in the Intervention and Clinical Trial (ICT) unit.

Veronica Misana is a Research Scientist in the Intervention and Clinical Trial (ICT) unit. She is involved in implementing Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). This project, funded by Basel Stadt Cantonal, Switzerland, focuses on sequencing HIV samples from the KIULARCO project and TB isolates from the TB DAR cohort using the Illumina Miseq sequencer.


She holds an MSc in Infection Biology from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland, at the University of Basel, and a BSc in Microbiology from the University of Dar es Salaam.

Veronica possesses a diverse set of technical skills, including molecular-based expertise such as NGS, both targeted and whole-genome sequencing, library preparation, DNA and RNA isolation, and PCR-based experiments. Her microbiology skills encompass media preparation, culture manipulation, species identification, and drug susceptibility testing. Additionally, she is adept in immunology-based assays, microscopy techniques, and has professional competency in bioinformatics and statistical software.

In her past roles, Veronica has contributed significantly to TB clinical trials, including projects such as NC002, NC005, NC006, and NC008, funded by TB Alliance. 

Looking to the future, Veronica and her team aim to offer training to IHI members and students interested in learning about NGS and integrate informatics tools for analyzing results generated within the institute and also include expanding collaborations with other institutes to benefit from the NGS platform.