Mohamed Ally Sasamalo

Research Scientist
msasamalo@ihi.or.tzResearch Scientist working on TB clinical research projects.
Mohamed Ally Sasamalo is a Research Scientist with over ten years of experience working on TB clinical research projects, including observational studies, epidemiological studies, and clinical trials for drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics.
He has played a key and instrumental role in the successful completion of several TB research projects at Ifakara Health Institute, demonstrating commitment and proficiency in managing and supervising all aspects of TB laboratory activities related to research projects.
He holds a Master of Science in Infection Biology from the University of Basel. His undergraduate training was at Sokoine University of Agriculture, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology and Laboratory Sciences.
Mohamed joined Ifakara Health Institute in 2010 as a laboratory technician and has since developed extensive skills and expertise in biomedical laboratory work, particularly in the field of TB clinical research.