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Alan Magill Fellowship
Assessing the biology and public health importance of anopheles stephensi in Africa (AnoSTEP AfriKa)
Modelling for Decisions in a Dynamic Africa (MoDD Africa)
Understanding poverty-health dynamics and their influence on health, demand and supply of healthcare in Tanzania - "DEEP Project"
Improving Dog Vaccinations in Africa
Assessing long-term health, socioeconomic impact of interventions targeting low-density malaria infection (LMI) among children in Tanzania - "CHILD MALARIA"
Tracking health financing for universal health coverage in the era of shocks - "FINTRACK Project"
Impact of human pegivirus on natural immunity to malaria (PEMA)
Trial to evaluate multiple regimes, durations of treatment for TB - "PARADGM4TB"
Modelling climate impacts on malaria in Tanzania and Mozambique – “Climate Modelling”
Sample Registration System (SRS) Planning Grant - Tanzania
CAMFED's livelihoods programme for young women in Tanzania and Zimbabwe
Consultancy service to support the mid-term review of Health Sector Strategic Plan V (HSSP V)
The Effective Utilization of Molasses in the Control of Mosquito Density - “Molasses Project”
Empowering Farmers for Food Security and Climate Resilience - "NOURISH Tanzania"
Malaria Molecular Surveillance in Tanzania Phase 2 - "MSMT2 Project"
Strengthening Early Childhood Development in Tanzania with Data-Driven Strategies
Building Sustainable Modelling Capacity in Tanzania
Development of second generation passive emanators to reduce mosquito biting behavior - "SEGEPE"
Strategic Purchasing Africa Resource Center - "SPARC Phase II"
Learning to Eliminate Dominant Malaria Vectors - "Anopheles Africa II"
Realizing gender equality, attitudinal change & transformative systems in nutrition (REACTS-IN)
Development of a standard verbal autopsy manager tool to improve death and cause of death data quality, use and linkages
Enhancing Care for Blood Donors with Infections in Tanzania - "3HS Model"
Mesh Community Engagement Network
Biological Determinants and Epidemiological Consequences of Subclinical Tuberculosis
Investigating the efficacy and safety of combination drug KLU156 for treating uncomplicated malaria - “KALUMA Project"
Data for Health (D4H) Program for strengthening the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) system in Tanzania
A clinical trial evaluating an improved treatment regimen for drug-sensitive tuberculosis - " OptiRiMox TB Project"
Severe neonatal infection adaptive platform trials in Africa (SNIP-AFRICA)
Infrared Spectroscopy for Mosquito Characterization - "Deep Surveillance"
A phase 3 randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effect of BI-2 supplementation versus placebo on weight gain in underweight infants
Research to inform innovative scalable Early Childhood Development programming for the next generation - "Kizazi Kijacho"
Clinical development of "DDVaX" A human vaccine candidate for Rift Valley fever
Develop Indicators to be included in the National Multisectoral ECD Scorecard
Health Equity Promotion Project for the Marginalized living in Urban settings in Dar es salaam, Tanzania - "HEPP"
A research and InNOvation Partnership for enhancing the surveillance and control of mosquito VECtors of emerging arboviruses - "INOVEC"
Molecular determinants and the effectiveness of AgRDT for COVID-19 as compared to gold standard qPCR diagnostic in Tanzania
Spatial repellents to reduce the outdoor transmission of malaria
Dynamics of natural immunity to malaria in adults - "DYNAMIA"
Pharm Study
Global Health Program Evaluation, Analysis, Research and Learning - "GH PEARL"
Pan-Africa network for genomic surveillance of poverty related diseases and emerging pathogens - "PANGeNS"
Technical Assistance for updating the National Essential Health Care Intervention Package Tanzania (NEHCIP-TZ)
Map East Africa Node Support
TIMCI Tanzania
Laboratory (Phase I) and experimental hut (Phase II) trials services to IVCC and its Industrial Partners
Integrated Disease Approaches for Antenatal Surveillance - "IDEAS Study"
Clinical trial to assess and compare two COVID-19 vaccines
Care of chain and referral for NCDs management - "CARECHAIN-NCD"
Controlled platform trial to evaluate experimental arms - "MAMS STEP2C"
Preventing African newborn and children's deaths through proactive patient management - "Pro-Africa"
Multiple Micronutrient Supplementation for Maternal Anemia in Pregnancy - "MMS-MAP Study"
Longitudinal assessment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevalence rates and risk factors in a primary care setting in semi rural sub-Saharan Africa
Visual Analysis of Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets to Maximize Universal Access - "ViALLIN"
Using novel technologies for real-time monitoring of the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in the context of climate and land-use changes - "ClimateBuzz'"
Towards the elimination of cervical cancer in Tanzania: Transdisciplinary science for smarter implementation strategies "SPIRIT"
Provider Payment methods in Tanzania (PPMT)
Tanzania Malaria Case Management Program - "Dhibiti Malaria"
Ecological Investigations of Emerging High-Consequence Zoonotic Viruses at High-Priority Livestock, Wildlife and Human Interfaces
EPSILON - Malaria modelling field strengthening
Exploring the relational impacts of gambling among Tanzanian families
Epidemic Detection & Response (EDRP)
Isolation and banking for the controlled Human Malaria Challenge “HIC-VAC”
Catalyzing Policy Improvement in Africa (CPIA)
Distributed Surveillance
Deep Cities: Assessing the risk of mosquito-borne diseases in Dar es Salaam, based on deep learning and remote sensing
A Good Start: Increasing newborn survival combined with implementation research to identify the most cost-effective service package for scale-up
PMI Shinda (Defeat) Malaria
PREMONITION – Enhanced Entomological Monitoring in Tanzania
Rearing anopheles mosquitoes without blood for malaria research and control
Intermediate care unit at the St Francis Referral Hospital, Ifakara, Tanzania
Establishment of machine learning datasets for better healthcare outcomes: A focus on rabies
COVITEST: Evaluating collaborative COVID-19 implementation and research program in Tanzania
Expanding Xpert Ultra for TB diagnosis among HIV-positive patients admitted to hospitals in Africa
Evaluation of malaria herbal remedy - maytenus senegalensis - for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria episodes in adult patients as compared to Artemether-lumefantrine
Extending and transitioning the China-Tanzania pilot project on malaria control
Facilitating the implementation of TB-CAPT for tuberculosis diagnosis
Adaptation of blood-stage Controlled Human Malaria Infection for evaluation of transmission blocking malaria interventions in endemic countries
Countdown to 2030: Assessing Progress and Performance in Tanzania
Assessment of mosquito biting reduction and mortality rates caused by eave-ribbons treated with different formulations of transfluthrin inside the semi-field system.
Provision of Essential Treatment in Critical Illness
Tackling the hidden epidemic of non-communicable diseases in sub-Saharan Africa: Developing the Else Kröner Center for Heart and Lung Disease (EKC-HLD)
Into the Wild: New Models for Community Engagement with Mosquito
Combining house-screening and odour-baited mosquito traps for sustainable control of malaria transmission in low-income communities dominated by Anopheles Funestus
Anti-Corruption Evidence Programme (ACE)
Novel methods for optimising health systems payment for performance (P4P) interventions to improve maternal and child health in low-resource settings
New One Health Research and Training Collaboration in Tanzania: Rift Valley fever virus ecology
ALPHA network: HIV incidence trends and risk factors to describe patterns and risks for HIV incidence in selected communities in Southern and Eastern Africa
A before-&-after study to assess the effectiveness of a training to improve environmental hygiene in healthcare facilities
Enhancing Nutrition Services to Improve Maternal and Child Health ( ENRICH) in Africa and Asia
Cracking the measurement nut for maternal and newborn health. Innovations and applications for quality of care in Southern Tanzania
Every newborn - simplified measurement integrating longitudinal neurodevelopment and growth
Using machine-learning and mid infrared spectroscopy for rapid assessment of blood-feeding histories and parasite infection rates in field-collected malaria mosquitoes
Culture and bodies: an interdisciplinary approach to non-communicable disease prevention in Malawi and Tanzania
Integrating sustainable water and sanitation solutions to create safer, more inclusive and climate resilient cities in Tanzania and South Africa
Engaging local shopkeepers for last-mile delivery of essential medical supplies in hard-to-reach areas
Evaluation of attractive toxic sugar bait resting place against dengue vectors in urban Tanzania
Creating low-cost repellent-treated sandals that provide round - the - clock protection against Dengue, Zika, Chikungunya and Malaria
Effects of school-based physical activity and multi-micronutrient supplementation intervention on growth, health and well-being of school children in three African countries
Pan Ebola Vaccine Innovative Approach (PEVIA) action
Ultrasound in Managing Tuberculosis: A randomized controlled two-center study
A phase 1b age de-escalation dose escalation randomized, double-blind, Controlled Study of the Safety and Immunogenicity of heterologous prime-boost with the candidaye malaria vaccines AdCh63 RH5 and MVA RH5 administered Intramuscularly according to a 0,2-months vaccination schedule in haelthy adults,young children and infants in Tanzania
"PanACEA, a drug development programme to shorten and simplify treatment of tuberculosis
New Born Essential Solution & Technology Scaling up a Neonatal Intervention Bundle in Malawi, Tanzania and Nigeria
Dynamic Electronic Decision tree to Manage Sick Children
Efficacy and Safety of Artemether-Lumefantrine, Artesunate Amodiaquine and Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine for the treatment of uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria in mainland Tanzania
Health Impact Assessment for Sustainable Development
SOAPBOX-Telephone surveillance
Extending and Transitioning the China-Tanzania Pilot Project on Malaria Control
Improving Tuberculosis Case Finding among People Living with HIV/AIDS in HIV clinics in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: A n Operational Research
Developing and maintaining Kilombero and Ulanga Anti-Retroviral Cohort (KIULARCO) at SFRH in Ifakara, Tanzania' at St. Francis Referral Hospital, Ifakara, Tanzania
Assessing the Policy Implementation and health systems impacts on Option B+ on tree African countries to inform the delivery of Universal Test and Treat
Development epidemiology: identifying evidence-based interventions for improving population health and promoting health equity
A Multicenter phase III double-blind; randomized; controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of VPM1002 in comparison with BCG in HIV-exposed and HIV-unexposed
Tanzania Maternal Newborn Health Initiative
Pan-African Network for Rapid Research, Response, Relief and Preparedness for Infectious Diseases Epidemics
Characterization of moderate and severe anemia by peripheral blood smear in HIV infected patient in the Kilombero and Ulanga antiretrovial cohort
Nutrition - Sensitive Homestead Food Production Project in Rufiji District, Tanzania
Quality improvement for maternal and newborn health in Mtwara Region Tanzania (IMCHA) "Quality Improvement for Maternal and Newborn Health At District-level Scale(QUADS)"
Evaluation of the integrated nutrition programme in Tanzania (CIFF-Nutrition)
A cluster randomized trial to demonstrate the equivalency of lower dose calcium supplementation during pregnancy for reducing preeclampsia and preterm birth
Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development (HEARD)
Understanding and enhancing approaches to quality Improvement in small and medium sized private facilities in Sub-Saharan Africa
Health impact assessment for engaging natural resource extraction projects in sustainable development in producer regions
In the eye of the swarm: Mapping the acoustic landscape of mosquito
Using a community-driven approach to identify and effectively target aquatic habitats of Anopheles funestus mosquitoes to reduce malaria transmission in rural Tanzania
Assessing the risk of Mosquito by identifying the genetics basis of their host parents (GBHP)
Using low-cost mosquito repellent chairs to provide day and night against mosquito borne illness
Targeting host seeking malaria mosquitoes using a trick evolved by their parasites
Eliminating dominant malaria vectors in rural Tanzanian villages
Anopheles funestus gene flow studies and rearing methods
Development of a new tool for Malaria mosquito surveillance to improve vector control
Monitoring safety to single-low dose primaquine co-administered with AL in routine healthcare practices: Addressing potential implementation challenges and policy options for effective roll out
Sustainable, Healthy, and Learning Cities and Neighbourhoods
Targeting strongly insecticide resistant Anopheles funestus by using attractive toxic sugar baits
Detailed malaria diagnostics with intelligent microscopy