Using art to prevent non-communicable diseases

IHI Senior Social Scientist, Dr. Sally Mtenga, who is a Culture & Bodies project lead, joined public health stakeholders in demonstrating how art can be used to prevent non-communicable diseases. Researchers used the opportunity to share their knowledge on diabetes prevention. The intervention event was held at the Bagamoyo Arts and Cultural Institute on July 3 2019. It was followed by a dissemination meeting two days later, also held in Bagamoyo. Why Bagamoyo? IHI, through the project, has worked closely with local communities there to develop a new art-based methodology for accessing the cultural, affective, emotional, faith-based and historical contexts around diabetes and diabetes risk factors that are held in the collective imaginary of a community. The Culture and Bodies project team is a partnership of Malawian, Tanzanian and UK researchers and practitioners, spanning the arts and humanities, medical and social sciences, NGOs and local artists, with the aim of creating culturally-situated, art-mediated approaches to non-communicable disease prevention in Malawi and Tanzania. #