IHI updates curriculum of its master's program

A team of IHI scientists met in Tanga for five days (October 21-25) to review the Master of Science in Public Health Research (MScPHR) program to fulfil the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) requirement that course contents must be updated after every 5 years.
Program Coordinator, Dr. Wilson Lwetoijera, says review work is done on a curriculum that was approved by TCU for a period of 2015-2019. "The aims is to have an updated content which addresses current issues in public health," he says.
IHI runs the program in collaboration with Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology (NM-AIST). The program is designed to produce and kick-start research careers for aspiring public health researchers.
The MScPHR is hosted by School of Life Sciences, Bio-Technology and Engineering of NM-AIST, but teaching is done at the IHI Training Centre in Bagamoyo.
This is a two-year program divided into two parts, with 12 months of course work and 12 months of research. Facilitators are mostly IHI researchers and seasoned facilitators from partner research and higher learning institutions in Tanzania and abroad.#