MEETING: Shinda Malaria draws annual project plan for Kagera
The Shinda Malaria project, yesterday concluded a two-day meeting for members of the regional and district council health management teams (R/CHMTs) from all eight councils of Kagera region, which had the primary objective of drawing a comprehensive plan for the project's second year of implementation, building on the achievements of its initial stages.
Shinda Malaria, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) commences the second year of implementation after its successful launching this month last year.
The second-year planning phase will entail defining activities, allocating resources, and establishing milestones to ensure the project's objectives are effectively met in the upcoming year. Dr. Issasenda Kaniki, the Regional Medical Officer for Kagera officiated at the meeting.
Medical officer lauds USAID, PMI
In his remarks, Dr. Kaniki expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the American people for their generous support through the USAID and PMI. He also extended appreciation to the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the President's Office – Regional Administration, and Local Government (PO-RALG) for allowing the interventions implemented by Shinda Malaria to take place in Kagera.
Shinda Malaria Chief of Party, Dr. Dunstan Bishanga, lauded the Kagera health management teams for their remarkable efforts in making the project a resounding success within a short period of time since its inception in the region.
“During our presentation in the case management Technical Working Group held in the previous weeks, I have come to realize that a lot has been done in Kagera region during a short period of time since the project started its interventions,” he said.
Improving healthcare outcomes is the target
The participants in the meeting looked to strategize and collaborate effectively, aiming to combat malaria and improve healthcare outcomes in the Kagera region during the second year of the Shinda Malaria project's implementation.
Prior to the commencement of the meeting, Shinda Malaria paid a courtesy call visit on the office of the Kagera Regional Medical Officer to extend their appreciations for the support the project has been enjoying from regional health authorities since April this year when implementation activities commenced in Kagera.