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ADOLESCENT HEALTH: Ifakara project shares study findings with stakeholders

Aug. 10, 2023 From 8:00 hours EAT
ADOLESCENT HEALTH: Ifakara project shares study findings with stakeholders
CPIA project Principal Investigator, Dr. Sally Mtenga, stresses a point when presenting at a multistakeholder meeting held in Morogoro today. She's with Prof. McCoy and Irene Mashasi. PHOTO | IFAKARA/KMC

Ifakara’s Catalyzing Policy Improvement in Africa (CPIA) project in Tanzania has shared with multi-stakeholders in Morogoro findings of a systematic review which sought to understand the current policy and research landscape in Tanzania in relation to the adolescent, sexual and reproductive health (ASRH).

The multi-stakeholders included adolescents’ groups and members of the regional and district health management teams in Morogoro; the Morogoro Regional Medical Office; the Ministry of Health; President’s Office – Regional Administration and Local Governments; academic and research institutions; and development partners.

The dissemination workshop, held today in Morogoro, involved presentations and group discussions during which the different stakeholders got the opportunity to discuss the findings and share their immediate reflections. A comprehensive report will be compiled and shared with the stakeholders for further comments.

Presenters included the project Principal Investigator, Dr. Sally Mtenga – whose presentation focused on the systematic review; the project’s funding partner representative Prof. David McCoy – who presented an overview of International Institute for Global Health at the United Nations University; and the Project Coordinator Irene Mashasi – who presented on implementation challenges and best practices on reproductive health services for adolescents in Tanzania.

About CPIA project
The project is simultaneously implemented in six African countries, including Tanzania. Other countries are: Senegal, Burkina Faso, Tanzania, Uganda and Mozambique. It aims to improve
policy and help bridge the research-policy gap; and strengthen local capacity.

The project’s funding model encourages external funding and support that is de-colonial by strengthening national leadership and decision-making; alignment and harmonization; and strengthening local research and policy-making systems and institutions.

The CPIA project duration is one and half years is funded by the IDRC from Canada.