TRAINING: Ifakara staff enhance road safety awareness
On 17 April 2024, the Ifakara Health Institute staff participated in a specialized training session on road safety at its Bagamoyo branch in the Kingani area. Conducted by officers from the Land Transport Regulatory Authority (LATRA), the session aimed to enlighten Ifakara staff on the significance of safe road usage.
As part of LATRA’s ongoing training in the Coast Region, staff members received guidance on safe road usage and responsible driving practices. The focus – for this training held on April 17, 2024 – was on familiarizing them with both their rights and obligations as drivers and pedestrians, along with essential road safety protocols.
The primary objective was to equip Ifakara staff with the knowledge necessary for navigating roads safely, thus mitigating accidents and fostering responsible road behavior to create a safer environment for all community road users.