MTAFITI: Transforming lives of youth with HIV

"MTAFITI" - the monthly news and events round-up of Ifakara Health Institute - September 2024 edition is out. The edition focuses on how peer-led, group-based initiatives can be leveraged to enhance mental health and health management for young people living with HIV.
>> Read it here: Mtafiti - Ifakara News & Events Round-Up Sept 2024 Edition.
The top story in the editor's choice highlights a new clinical trial, Sauti ya Vijana (SYV: The Voice of Youth), currently being conducted in Tanzania. This trial aims to tackle the mental health challenges faced by young people living with HIV, offering vital support that addresses both their psychological and medical needs.
And on the readers' top story - this one was most read on both the Ifakara website and social media platforms - explores how entomopathogenic fungi may be a more effective method for mosquito control than chemical insecticides. This fungus offers a sustainable, eco-friendly, alternative to traditional insecticides.
Additionally, this month’s top event saw Ifakara Health Institute and the Gates Foundation co-host the 2024 Grand Challenges Africa Meeting (GCAM TZ) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The event brought together global scientific partners working in malaria control and elimination, along with experts dedicated to advancing research development in low- and middle-income countries.
The round-up summarizes other reports, news, events, new projects and publications.
>> The round-up can be accessed online here: Mtafiti - Ifakara News & Events Round-Up Sept 2024 Edition.