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TRAINING: Ifakara Management sharpens skills on standards

The ISO training in progress. PHOTO | COURTESY of Kamilus Masonda

TRAINING: Ifakara Management sharpens skills on standards

Ifakara Health Institute marked the beginning of a new fiscal year 2023-24 which officially begun on July 1, 2023 by organizing an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) awareness training session at Mik…

REUNION: Ifakara Health Institute attends Swiss TPH Open House

Pictured together at the Swiss TPH open house event are (from L-R), Prof. Marcel Tanner, Dr. Zawadi Mboma and Prof Juerg Utzinger. PHOTO | Courtesy of Dr. Zawadi Mboma

REUNION: Ifakara Health Institute attends Swiss TPH Open House

On June 17, Swiss TPH hosted its biggest Open House event ever, attracting over 6,000 people. Ifakara Health Institute, a close collaborator was also invited. 


HOLIDAY:  Eid el-Hajj message to all our partners

The official Ifakara Health Institute e-banner for Eid el-Hajj 2023. GRAPHIC | IFAKARA/KMC

HOLIDAY: Eid el-Hajj message to all our partners

The Ifakara Health Institute management has issued a special Eid el-Hajj message to all partners and stakeholders in the public health sector and beyond. The half-page message, signed by the Institute’s Chief Ex…

FORUM: NEST360 team showcases work at MUHAS scientific conference

Dr. Nahya Salim, NEST 360 Country & Clinical Lead engages with the audience during a panel discussion at the MUHAS scientific conference in Dar. PHOTO?IFAKARA/KMC

FORUM: NEST360 team showcases work at MUHAS scientific conference

The NEST360 team at Ifakara Health Institute participated in the 11th Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) scientific conference held at the Muhimbili campus in Upanga, Dar es Salaam from June 22…

CALL: Ifakara accepts abstracts for its annual scientific conference

Poster of IASC2023 Call for abstract announcement. GRAPHIC|IFAKARA/KMC

CALL: Ifakara accepts abstracts for its annual scientific conference

The Ifakara Annual Scientific Conference (IASC2023) will take place from August 23-25 in Ifakara Town in Morogoro, Tanzania at the Homeland Hotel. The conference theme is “Knowledge Translation for Health Impact…

FIGHT AGAINST NCDs: Ifakara project advisory board holds inaugural meeting in Dar

Members of the CARECHAIN Non-communicable Disease (NCD) project advisory board pose for a group photo. PHOTO|IFAKARA Courtesy of Dr. Martin Rohacek

FIGHT AGAINST NCDs: Ifakara project advisory board holds inaugural meeting in Dar

On June 16, members of the CARECHAIN Non-communicable Disease (NCD) project advisory board held their first meeting. The team convened at the National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) offices in Dar es Salaam.

IMPACT: Ifakara mentors young medical professionals

Ifakara Health Institute scientist Dr. Samson Kiware speaking during the mentoring program at Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute on June 15. PHOTO|Courtesy of Samson Kiware

IMPACT: Ifakara mentors young medical professionals

Ifakara Health Institute’s Data Science and Mathematical Modeling team provided medical doctors at the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute (JKCI) with mentoring support as they presented their concept notes on vari…

#STICE2023: Ifakara scientists join talks on biotechnology at COSTECH conference

Ifakara scientist Dr. Brian Tarimo engages in a discussion during a plenary session at the 8th National Science, Technology and Innovation Conference and Exhibition held in Dar. PHOTO|IFAKARA/KMC

#STICE2023: Ifakara scientists join talks on biotechnology at COSTECH conference

At the 8th National Science, Technology, and Innovation Conference and Exhibition (STICE), which was held from June 14–16, Ifakara Health Institute scientists joined other experts from across Tanzania to discuss…

POLICY COMMUNICATION: Ifakara shares results on evaluation of HIV, family planning services integration

The Deputy Minister in the Tanzanian government, who is also a parliamentarian for Dodoma urban, Athony Mavunde, officially opens the half-day meeting in Dodoma today. He is flanked by the Deputy Mayor for Dodoma, Jamali Ngalya (right) and Ifakara Senior Research Scientist, Dr. Francis Levira. PHOTO | IFAKARA/KMC

POLICY COMMUNICATION: Ifakara shares results on evaluation of HIV, family planning services integration

An fakara Health Institute team, led by Senior Research Scientist Dr. Francis Levira, hosted a series of meetings in Dodoma and Dar es Salaam between June 14-20 to disseminate findings of a study which evaluated integ…

TRAINING: Ifakara, NIMR staff undergo good clinical practice orientation

Participants of the Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training listen on during a session at the orientation. PHOTO|Courtesy Mwifadhi Mrisho

TRAINING: Ifakara, NIMR staff undergo good clinical practice orientation

Ifakara Health Institute and National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) staff participated in an Orientation on Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training held at the NIMR offices in Dar es Salaam from June 5-7, 2023. …