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IHI-WHO joint workshop kicks off in Bagamoyo

Workshop facilitator Olukayode Odufuwa stresses a point when presenting on the opening day of the IHI-WHO joint workshop in Bagamoyo on December 4, 2019. PHOTO | JOSEPH MADATA/IHIcoms

IHI-WHO joint workshop kicks off in Bagamoyo

Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) and World Health Organization (WHO) host Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) and Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) Protocol Writing and Analysis Workshop in Bagamoyo from December 4-13, 2019.

Participants com…

IHI marks World AIDS Day in style

IHI experts offerred free of charge various services such as blook pressure screening to Ifakara residents and visitors, including pupils. PHOTO | COURTESY OF ANNA EICHENBERGER

IHI marks World AIDS Day in style

Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) staff joined members of the community from all walks of life in Ifakara and its nearby suburbs in observing World AIDS Day on December 1, 2019, with a series of coordinated events.

The Chronic Diseases Cli…

IHI shares Star Rating Program evaluation results

Evaluation project Principal Investigator (PI), Dr. Sanam Roder-DeWan clarifies a point as she shares results of the Star Rating Program evaluation in Dar es Salaam today.

IHI shares Star Rating Program evaluation results

Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) researchers shared in Dar es Salaam today results of the national Star Rating Program evaluation done by IHI for two months – from July to August – this year. The program, whose primary objective is impr…

HEARD project dissemination in Dodoma

IHI seasoned researcher Dr. Ester Elisaria stresses a point when presenting results during the USAID's HEARD Project Dissemination in Dodoma on November 14 2019. PHOTO | Joseph Madata/IHIcoms

HEARD project dissemination in Dodoma

Researchers from Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) and partner institutions disseminated results of the USAID funded Health Evaluation and Applied Research Development (HEARD) project, obtained from a study on urban nutrition and (Water, Sanitation …

Kikwete, Roll Back Malaria chief Diallo visit IHI project

Former Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete and Roll Back Malaria CEO Dr. Abdourahmane Diallo [second-left], arrive at the Ifakara Health Instiute office in Rufiji for their tour on November 9, 2019. PHOTO/IHIcoms

Kikwete, Roll Back Malaria chief Diallo visit IHI project

Former Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete and Chief Executive Officer of Roll Back Malaria (RBM), Dr. Abdourahmane Diallo visited the China-Tanzania Malaria project in Rufiji, Coast Region, to see first-hand one of the best initiatives aimed to a…

IHI, Oxford discuss future joint projects

A section of IHI and Oxford University researchers during their symposium held in Bagamoyo on November 6, 2019.

IHI, Oxford discuss future joint projects

Ifakara Health Institute and Oxford University researchers met in Bagamoyo for a three-day symposium to discuss an upcoming joint trial and future collaborative projects between the two institutions.

The researchers met from November 6-…

IHI readies for nationwide post measles-rubella vaccination evaluation

Survey Principal Investigator, Dr. Abdallah Mkopi, outlines objectives of the evulation survey to the training participants. Photo | Joseph Madata

IHI readies for nationwide post measles-rubella vaccination evaluation

Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) trains 165 field data collectors recruited for the post measles-rubella (MR) campaign evaluation survey to be conducted during the first two weeks of November 2019. The data collectors undergo three-day training (Oc…

IHI ladies donate assorted food and other items to cancer patients in Dar

IHI Dar female staff pose for a group photo at the Ocean Road Cancer Institute where they went to deliver assorted items they donated to patients from their individual donations. PHOTO/COURTESY OF ESTHER ELISARIA

IHI ladies donate assorted food and other items to cancer patients in Dar

Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) female staff based in Dar es Salaam have donated assorted items to patients hospitalized at the Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI) in Dar es Salaam. The items delivered on October 14 2019 include bottled mineral wat…

IHI updates curriculum of its master's program

Review team at work.

IHI updates curriculum of its master's program

A team of IHI scientists met in Tanga for five days (October 21-25) to review the Master of Science in Public Health Research (MScPHR) program to fulfil the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) requirement that course contents must be updat…

Novartis delegation visits IHI facilities

Novartis delegation members in a group photo with the IHI team which hosted them during the tour of IHI facilities in Bagamoyo on October 3 2019. PHOTO/COURTESY

Novartis delegation visits IHI facilities

A high-profile delegation from Novartis - a global healthcare company based in Switzerland – paid a brief tour of Ifakara Health Institute (IHI) research facilities in Bagamoyo and Ifakara on October 3 and 4 2019 respectively. The Swiss com…