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Our Governance

Our governance structure has three layers: The Board of Governors (BOG); the Board of Trustees (BOT), and the Management Committee (MC).

Members of BOG and BOT include representatives of Tanzania Ministry of Health, National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH), Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation (SDC), and Chief Executive Director (CED) of IHI, who is the secretary to both the BOG and the BOT. Members of the MC, which is chaired by the CED, are the Director of Science (DOS), Chief Operations Officer (COO), and heads of research departments.

Board of Governors (BOG)

The Board of Governors mainly comprises the Founder Members of the Institute. The main duties of the BOG are to appoint the Members of the BOT, to approve the strategy of the Institute, to appoint auditors, and to oversee the BOT.

Prof. Said-Aboud

Prof. Said Aboud

Dr. Honorati-Masanja

Dr. Honorati Masanja

Secretary to the Board
Dr. Omary-Ubuguyu

Dr. Omary Ubuguyu


Didier Chassot

Dr. Bugwesa-Katale

Dr. Bugwesa Katale

Prof. Jürg-Utzinger

Prof. Jürg Utzinger


Board of Trustees (BOT)

The main duties of the Board of Trustees are to appoint the Director; approve the annual budgets, operational plans, and annual reports of activities; approve the financing strategy of the Institute; and to adopt and approve audited accounts. In addition, the BOT ensures the MC formulate regulations for efficient and effective management of the funds as well as to direct the MC. The BOT has three sub committees: Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (ARCC), Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) as well as Finance and Operations/Admin Committee (FOAC).

Prof. Abraham-Mnzava

Prof. Abraham Mnzava

Dr. Honorati-Masanja

Dr. Honorati Masanja

Secretary to the Board
Dr. Nyanda-Ntinginya

Dr. Nyanda Ntinginya

Ms. Mariam-Bayumi

Ms. Mariam Bayumi

Dr. Athuman-Mgumia

Dr. Athuman Mgumia

Dr. Flora-Myamba

Dr. Flora Myamba

Ms. Viviane-Hasselmann

Ms. Viviane Hasselmann

Prof. Daniel-Paris

Prof. Daniel Paris

Dr. Ahmed-Makuwani

Dr. Ahmed Makuwani

Mr. Godfrey-Kilenga

Mr. Godfrey Kilenga


Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) provides strategic leadership in view of Ifakara scientific strategies and advise the BOT on the most appropriate pathways. The committee will provide guidance on strategic scientific programs, areas of investments, and core focus areas.

Current SAC members and their roles:

Prof. Abraham-Mnzava

Prof. Abraham Mnzava

Prof. Julie-Makani

Prof. Julie Makani

Ms. Lucy-Fulgence

Ms. Lucy Fulgence

Dr. Kaushik-Ramaiya

Dr. Kaushik Ramaiya

Prof. Don De-Savigny

Prof. Don De Savigny

Dr. Blandina-Mmbaga

Dr. Blandina Mmbaga

Dr. Ntuli-Kapologwe

Dr. Ntuli Kapologwe


Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee (ARCC)

The Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee will assist the BOT in discharging its duties relating to the safeguarding of assets and to ensure that financial risks are managed; Prepare and recommend decisions to be taken by the BOT on all matters relating to finance, Audit and Risk Management; Review audited financial statements and make recommendations to the BOT; Monitor management’s progress towards internal and external audit recommendations; Ensure the independence , efficacy and effectiveness of internal and external audit functions; Ensure effective interactions between internal auditors, external auditors, the board, the management, funding partners and stakeholders; Review compliance with applicable legal, regulatory and accounting standards in the organization’s audited financial reports; Contribute to the climate of financial discipline, continuous improvements and controls.

Current ARCC members and their roles:

Mr. Godfrey-Kilenga

Mr. Godfrey Kilenga

Mr. Benjamin-Chimori

Mr. Benjamin Chimori

Mr. Gabriel-Mwero

Mr. Gabriel Mwero

Ms. Agnes-Kitwanga

Ms. Agnes Kitwanga

Ms. Leticia-Mashimba

Ms. Leticia Mashimba

Dr. Gottlieb-Mpangile

Dr. Gottlieb Mpangile


Finance and Operations Committee (FOAC)

The Finance and Operations Committee (FOAC) will assist the BOT in discharging its duties relating to financial management and organizational operations. This includes preparing and recommending decisions to be taken by the BOT on all matters relating to financial management and organizational operations. Review annual operational plans and budgets, review operational structure and organizational functioning, review financial and operational reports.

Management Committee (MC)

The Management Committee manages day-to-day affairs of the Institute and the appointment and discharge of its staff. The MC reports to the BOT by submitting quarterly progress reports and annual plan of operation and financial statements including audited accounts. The management team is led by the Chief Executive Director who reports to the BOT.

Dr. Honorati-Masanja

Dr. Honorati Masanja

Chief Executive Director
Dr. Ally-Olotu

Dr. Ally Olotu

Director of Science
Dr. Sally-Mtenga

Dr. Sally Mtenga

Head - Health Systems, Interventions, Impact Evaluation and Policy
Dr. Jerry-Hella

Dr. Jerry Hella

Head - Biomedical Research and Clinical Trials
Dr. Emmanuel-Kaindoa

Dr. Emmanuel Kaindoa

Head - Environmental Health and Ecologial Sciences
Mr. Raphael-Laizer

Mr. Raphael Laizer

Chief Operating Officer