Laboratory Technician (1 post), Ngara District Council
The role involves conducting patient screening, sample collection, analysis, interpretation, and storage.
Position Summary
Ifakara Health Institute is seeking a qualified and experienced candidate to fill the Laboratory Technician position within the PMI Shinda (DEFEAT) Malaria project. This position is for a 6-month Therapeutic Efficacy Study (TES), an antimalarial drug efficacy and safety study scheduled to take place in Ngara District Council.
The role entails performing laboratory analyses on malaria blood smears and other specimens per protocol, addressing supervisor/PI queries, maintaining participant privacy, adhere to protocol and GLCP, liaise with government officials, uphold professionalism and integrity, and complete assigned duties and activities.
Qualifications and Experience
Applicants must hold a Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology and possess a valid license.
More info & How to apply
Apply by 17:00 hrs,Tuesday, May 21 2024. For more details and how to apply, read the job announcement: TES Laboratory Technician, Ngara District Council.