Principal Investigator: Ester Elisaria
Project leader/ Coordinator:
Project Administrator: Mery Irema
Funding Partner: Children's Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF)
Start date: Feb. 1, 2016
End date: June 1, 2020

Evaluation of the integrated nutrition programme in Tanzania (CIFF-Nutrition)
This is a project on evaluation of integrated nutrition interventions in Tanzania. It is a controlled before after evaluation implemented in Simiyu and Ruvuma regions, with Nzega, Uyui, Ruangwa and Lindi being the control areas.
The project aims to test the hypothesis that targeted bundle of interventions spanning the 1,000 days period (increased knowledge, attitudes and practices for healthy pregnancy and infant feeding practices and treatment of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) cases) will reduce stunting in children under-two years.
We are also exploring community norms contributing to poor maternal, child health and nutrition outcomes. To make it scalable, the study will assess quality of data collected and perform costs analysis.#