Principal Investigator: Tim Baker
Project leader/ Coordinator: Tim Baker
Project Administrator: Priscilla Mlay
Funding Partner: Well Come Innovation Flagship.
Start date: Sept. 1, 2020
End date: Dec. 31, 2021

Provision of Essential Treatment in Critical Illness
Critical illness is any acute, life threating and can be treated. Example of critical illness are Major Burns, Kidney Failure, Aplastic Anemia, Stroke and Covid 19. This can affect any one regardless of underlying diagnosis, Age, Gender, or social status. About 30 t0 45 million cases people reported per year. Neglected emergence and critical health care lead to the death of 16% to 82% in lower middle-income countries (LMICs).
The team from IHI comprises Dr. Ally Olotu, Karima Khalid, August Kawawenaruwa and Priscilla Malay under department of Health Systems, Impact Evaluation and Policy.
The study intitled Provision of essential treatment in critical illness, will propose the new concept of Essential Emergence and Critical Care (EECC) The care that all critically ill should receive in all hospitals around the world. The study will be conducted in Kenya and Tanzania and objectives of the project will be:
1 To define the content of EECC by consensus among global stakeholders.
2 To estimate the cost – effectiveness of EECC related to advance critical care and standard of care in Tanzania and Kenya from the provide respective.
3 Estimate the need and costs for EECC in Kenya and Tanzania.
4 to describe and analyze global and national effort to strength EECC and advanced critical care services. And
5 Consolidation, Dissemination, Networks and Implementation. #