Principal Investigator: Chief of Party - Dr. Dunstan Bishanga
Project leader/ Coordinator: Deputy Chief of Party - Dr. Mwaka Kakolwa
Project Administrator: Adeline Herman
Funding Partner: U.S President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) / United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Start date: Aug. 5, 2022
End date: Aug. 4, 2027

PMI Shinda (Defeat) Malaria
The PMI Shinda (Deafeat) Malaria project supports the Government of Tanzania (GOT) in reducing malaria burden and in moving towards malaria elimination. The Activity is made possible by the support of the American people through the US President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Purpose of Award
Shinda (Defeat) Malaria works with the GOT to reduce malaria burden and move towards the long-term goal of malaria elimination―while achieving USAID’s strategy to support institutional growth and capacity development for local institutions. The project will address the urgent healthcare needs of malaria at-risk populations, especially vulnerable pregnant women and children under five, and support Tanzania partners to grow and execute malaria programs sustainably and successfully.
The general objective of the assistance is improving the health status of the Tanzanian people, with five specific objectives:
1. Improving case management and malaria in pregnancy (MIP) services.
2. Improving the ability of individuals to practice positive healthy behaviors.
3. Enhancing enabling environment.
4. Improving drug efficacy monitoring.
5. Evaluating malaria programs and/or conducting operations research.
The Office of Acquisition and Assistance (OAA)/Tanzania officially announced the award to implement Shinda Malaria through Ifakara Health Institute as the main recipient on Wednesday, August 3rd 2022. Ifakara Health Institute will implement the Activity along with three partners - two Tanzanian non-profit organizations and a small, woman-owned international business headquartered in Zambia.
The sub-recipients are:
1. Health Information System Program (HISP) – Tanzania;
2. Tanzania Communication and Development Center (TCDC) – Tanzania; and,
3. Akros – Zambia.
Field and Engagement Activities
The Shinda (Deafeat) Malaria team introduces the Project to the GOT
This activity was held on September 6-7, 2022 in Dodoma.
Two engagement activities took place:
- The team met with officers under the office of the Director of Preventive Services (DPS) on September 6, 2022.
- On the second day, September 7, 2022, the team met with the officers of the President’s Office (Regional Administration and Local Governments) and the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) to review the workplan.
The Shinda (Deafeat) Malaria team introduces the Project in Katavi
This activity was held on September 8-9, 2022 in Katavi.
Two engagement activities took place:
- Courtesy visit to the Regional Medical Officer’s (RMO) office at the Katavi Regional Administration Block on September 8, 2022.
- Engagement meeting at Katavi New Resort between the Shinda Malaria team from Ifakara Health Institute and representatives of the Katavi regional authority; Council Health Management Teams at district and regional levels (RCHMTs and CHMTs) on September 9, 2022.
Purpose of the engagement activities:
- Introduce the Shinda (Deafeat) Malaria team and the project to the RMO for Katavi, Dr. Omari Sukari and Malaria Focal Person for Katavi, Dr. Ramadhani Karume. The project team was led by the Chief of Party, Dr. Dunstan Bishanga and his deputy, Dr. Mwaka Kakolwa. The other members from the Ifakara finance, administration and communication units.
- Get feedback and recommendations from the Katavi regional authority which would guide and contribute to the development of the project workplan. The meeting was opened by the guest of honor, the Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS) for Katavi, Mr. Hassan Abas Rugwa who was accompanied by District Executive Directors (DEDs) from Katavi districts and representatives from Council Health Management Teams at the district and regional level, District Medical Officers (DMOs) regional and district malaria focal persons.
Discussions and actions taken
RAS for Katavi, Mr. Hassan Abas Rugwa officially received the Shinda (Defeat) Malaria team and, in his statement, thanked the Tanzanian government through the Ministry of Health and Ifakara Health Institute and its partners, for selecting Katavi to implement the program.
He also thanked the American people for the financial support through the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as well as the project implementing partner, Ifakara Health Institute.
RAS also instructed the RMO and the health management teams from the regional and district levels to give the Shinda Malaria team the needed support to ensure the project activities are well executed
The PMI Shinda (Defeat) Malaria project is officially launched
The Minister of Health, Ummy Mwalimu, and the US Ambassador to Tanzania, Dr. Donald Wright, joined health stakeholders to officially announce the Shinda Malaria project at the launching event held in Dodoma on October 20, 2022.