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Towards the elimination of cervical cancer in Tanzania: Transdisciplinary science for smarter implementation strategies - "SPIRIT"

Principal Investigator: Dr. Sally Mtenga

Project leader/ Coordinator: Dr. Grace Mhalu

Project Administrator: Mary Irema

Funding Partner: SWISS Tropical and Public Health Institute (SWISS TPH)

Start date: Oct. 1, 2022

End date: Sept. 30, 2025

Towards the elimination of cervical cancer in Tanzania: Transdisciplinary science for smarter implementation strategies - "SPIRIT"

Towards the elimination of cervical cancer in Tanzania: Transdisciplinary science for smarter implementation strategies - "SPIRIT"

This study aims to understand the cancer landscape in Tanzania and contribute towards eliminating cervical cancer in the country. 

To eliminate cervical cancer, it is significant to understand a patient’s journey from screening to how they handle the dignosis and how they handle treatment afterwards. In this study, a population of 800 women living in the secondary town of Ifakara and in a rural area in the Kilombero district will be recruited and followed.

The specific objectives for this study include;
i.    To identify demand side gaps and opportunities for increasing Cervical Cancer Screening uptake.
ii.    To document and evaluate the Cervical Cancer Prevention and Care Cascade in women living with and without HIV.
iii.    To address treatment delays to ensure the continuum of care for CC using transdisciplinary research; and
iv.    To develop an evidence-based policy and coherent implementation strategies using transdisciplinary methods.

The study duration is 36 months. It is an interdisciplinary project involving multiple experts and academics from Ifakara Health Institute and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH). The study will also include postdoctoral and doctoral students from Tanzania, Switzerland and Ghana. Support and funding for the study come from the Swiss TPH.