Environmental Health and Ecological Sciences
We focus on the ecology and transmission of infectious diseases through developing and testing of surveillance and control measures. Key areas include: mosquito ecology and control, water, sanitation and hygiene research. Other areas are: statistics, mathematical modeling, health geography and social innovations.
In recent years, major activities have included research on ecology of disease-transmitting mosquitoes with special focus on malaria and now expanding to other mosquito-borne diseases, including dengue, filariasis, rift valley fever and zika.
Interventions and Clinical Trials
In Ifakara, Rufiji and Bagamoyo, IHI has developed platforms for surveillance, implementation science studies and clinical trials covering district hospitals and satellite clinics, providing the basis for Phase 2 and 3 clinical trials and pharmaco-vigilance. A new centre for clinical trials at Kingani area in Bagamoyo District was opened in 2012, and has already performed a bio-equivalence study and a malaria challenge study using fully infectious purified sporozoites.
Our clinical trial facilities in Bagamoyo and Ifakara are supported by laboratory capabilities in parasitology, haematology, biochemistry, immunology, molecular biology and a bio-safety level 3 laboratories for bacteriology and virology.
We are also providing technical support in other countries to start and implement clinical trials. For example, we currently have a group based in Equatorial Guinea supporting large-scale vaccine trial programs there.
Health Systems, Impact Evaluation and Policy
We conduct multi-disciplinary studies of health systems performance including service delivery, quality, effectiveness and equity. We also monitor and evaluate pilot initiatives, national programs and changes in population health status.
Social determinants of health, health impact of public policies and social health protection are recent additions to this portfolio. Lastly, the group catalyzes uptake and effective implementation of policy changes, interventions or new approaches, by devising and testing scalable, replicable implementation models and tools.
HIV, TB, maternal & neonatal
Our HIV clinic at Ifakara focuses on treatment adherence, treatment outcomes and PMTCT outcomes. Ongoing research, including two cohort studies (one on HIV, a second one on TB), examine comorbidities and HIV acquisition & progression; risk factors for HIV acquisition; community perceptions on prevention, risk factors for HIV acquisition; community perceptions on prevention; HIV health-seeking and retention, testing interventions for improving diagnosis and treatment uptake, and evaluation of the impact of recently policy program developments.
Regarding TB, IHI works with the government through the ministry of health in mapping circulating TB strains and resistance patterns and test new diagnostics for childhood TB. Ongoing studies include the rapid evaluation of high-dose nifampicin and other rifamycins, and a safety & immunogenicity evaluation of H1/IC31 – an adjuvanted TB subunit vaccine.
Research on maternal & neonatal health began with the largest-ever household survey in Tanzania to describe maternal and neonatal mortality in Mtwara and Lindi districts. Related studies examined health beliefs surrounding pregnancy and childbirth, and amenability to change hazardous practices affecting newborn children. Current research includes a range of health system-based, replicable interventions, to increase skilled birth attendance and improve the accessibility and quality of obstetric emergency care.