Dr. Dickson Wilson Lwetoijera

Principal Research Scientist
dwilson@ihi.or.tzMalaria vector control expert leading multi-faceted impact in research and capacity building
With over 15 years of experience in malaria vector control research, he has made notable contributions, including attracting over 10 million USD in grants that have facilitated the employment of over 33 research staff, comprising scientists and support personnel. He has published 40 peer-reviewed articles that have served as catalysts for further research and informed policy updates.
Additionally, he has supervised and mentored over 10 MSc and 2 PhD candidates through individual fellowships and research grants, leading to their successful completion of their degrees. These graduates have gone on to assume various research positions at IHI and other local research institutions. Moreover, he has reviewed over 38 research manuscripts submitted to international peer-reviewed journals within 8 years after completing his PhD in 2016. This extensive review work has contributed significantly to the dissemination of research findings and their translation into public knowledge. He has also served as a Guest Facilitator for Essential Skills for Grant Writing workshops organized by the Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) for African early-career scientists since 2021, inspiring and imparting grant writing skills to participants. In his role as a tropEd Coordinator for IHI, he has contributed to the design and dissemination of standardized pedagogical approaches for international and global health training and practices within a global network.
Furthermore, he serves as the CARTA focal person for Ifakara Health Institute, coordinating doctoral and postdoctoral mentorship and supervision activities supported under CARTA. He chairs the Tanzania chapter of the Pan Africa Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA), responsible for coordinating outreach and collaborative events aimed at consolidating collaborations among stakeholders involved in mosquito control activities at national and regional levels since 2023.
Additionally, he serves as an Editorial Board member for Frontiers Journal in Sustainable Cities, and Vector Control in Malaria. Finally, he holds the position of Deputy Head of the Training and Capacity Building department at IHI, overseeing the coordination of capacity-building and strengthening initiatives for IHI staff, as well as the implementation of the MSc PHR program.