Edgar Mbeyela

embeyela@ihi.or.tzVector control product testing supervisor since 2017
Mr. Edgar Mbeyela is serving in the Vector Control Product Test Unit within the Environmental Health and Ecological Sciences at our Bagamoyo Branch. He is a Kampala International University (KIU) graduate with a Certificate in Information Technology.
Mr. Mbeyela is an IHI employee since 2006. He attended Njombe Secondary School before joining Topseeds Institute of Hotel and Tourism Management in 2016 where he graduated with a Certificate in Basic Computer Application Information Technology. He then joined KIU in 2013.
Mr. Mbeyela started his career in 1994 as a Sales Manager for Ifakara Interbusiness. He then joined IHI in 2006 as an entomology technician. In 2016, he was promoted to the position of Insectary Manager and a year later, he was appointed Test Facility Supervisor. He is serving in this post to date. #