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Magdalena Isaya Ulembo

Magdalena Isaya Ulembo

Laboratory Technician


Laboratory technician with expertise in microscopy, immunology, microbiology, and molecular biology

Magdalena is a skilled laboratory technician with extensive experience in various laboratory techniques, including microscopy, immunology, microbiology, and molecular biology. With a Diploma in Medical Laboratory from St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences obtained in 2018, Magdalena has established a foundation in medical sciences.

In microscopy, Magdalena is skilled in observing malaria blood slides, stool slides, urine slides, and CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) samples. Her microbiology techniques include using BD bactec fx40 and Phoenix M50 for microbial testing and antimicrobial resistance testing while her molecular biology skills include mosquito species identification, blood meal ELISA, Sporozoite ELISA techniques, and utilizing the GeneXpert machine for TB diagnosis and viral load testing.

In her role, Magdalena has been involved in several projects. She contributed to the Anopheles Africa Project as a laboratory technician, conducting Malaria testing using MRDT (Malaria Rapid Diagnostic Test) and blood slides. She also participated in household respondent interviews. Additionally, she was involved in the Kazi Afya Project, conducting tests such as MRDT, glucose, Hb (hemoglobin), and lipids for primary school pupils in Ifakara town.

Currently, she is engaged in the SYV Project where she processes viral load samples, manages sample storage, and dispatches results. She also handles sample processing for various projects including Marsh, Deep Surveillance, Kingani, and the District Entomologist Project.

Magdalena's skill set includes strong problem-solving abilities, adaptability to new techniques and approaches, and a collaborative nature that fosters teamwork and meaningful connections with colleagues.

Her future goals include pursuing a Degree in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology to further enhance her expertise, including engaging in additional training opportunities to refine her skills and knowledge, with a focus on contributing to research initiatives and advancing medical science and diagnostics.

Magdalena is an active member of The Medical Laboratory Scientists Association of Tanzania.