Augustino Gulila

Senior Finance Manager
agulila@ihi.or.tzDriving Financial Excellence and Sustainability
Augustino Gulila is the Senior Finance Manager at IHI with over 10 years’ of experience in Accounting, Leadership, Auditing, Tax and Advisory Services.
Augustino is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA-T) since October, 2014. Also, he is a Certified Public Accountant in Public Practice (CPA-PP) since July, 2018.
Augustino holds a Master of Arts in Revenue Law & Administration (Taxation) from the School of Law of the University of Dar es Salaam and graduated Bachelor Degree in Accountancy from the Institute of Accountancy Arusha.
Augustino has a strong experience in performing financial performance reviews, organization capacity assessments (including financial health and sustainability), review of financial statements, budget, cash flow forecasts, tax computations, final returns, monthly reports, etc. He has been involved in the development and review of different strategies, policies, budgets and manuals to different entities from different industries including Health Organizations.
Augustino’s experience in Auditing involved Non-Governmental Organizations including health research organizations, other public and private sectors. Augustino was involved in the review of audit plan, review of budget vs actual analysis, Donor requirements, review of reports etc.
In addition to his key roles, Augustino provided Audit, Accounting, Asset Management, Procurements and Risk Management trainings, both general and in-house to different clients. He has trained several participants from various organizations including from the Public and Private sector.
Prior to joining the Institute in October, 2024, Augustino has worked as the Director-Audit Services at Auditax International.
Augustino is a member of the National Board of Accountants and Auditors (NBAA).