Agatha Ngulukila
Data Clerk
angulukila@ihi.or.tzData clerk wrth HIV testing and counselling knowledge
Ms. Agatha Ngulukila is serving in the Chronic Diseases Clinic of Ifakara (CDCI) as Data Clerk. She has over 8-year experience.
Ms. Ngulukila is an IHI employee since 2009. She holds a Primary School Education Certificate she obtained from Yombo Primary School in Dar es Salaam in 1997. She then joined Kilombero Secondary School where she completed her Certificate of Secondary Education.
Ms. Ngulukila started her Data Clerk career in 2006 at IHI through the Institute’s volunteer program. In 2009, she was employed as Data Clerk at the CDCI. She also has an experience of entering data in the National AIDS Control Program Database, from which she printed reports for various local authorities.
Additionally, she was trained in HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC) when she served for the National AIDS Control Program. Apart from National AIDS program data entry, Ms. Ngulukila is also experienced with data entry for OpenMRS database which is a research-based platform of the CDCI. #